Ushers are an informal group of dedicated parishioners, both men and women, who commit to serve at a particular Mass each week. A list of alternate ushers is also maintained for those willing to serve on an as-needed basis. Each Mass has a lead usher to ensure that this ministry is dutifully fulfilled. The main function of ushers is to administer to the needs of parishioners before, during and after Mass; this includes taking up the collection and seating people. Of particular importance is the need for ushers to react responsibly to any emergency that may arise.
The Ministry of Greeters, a Ministry of Hospitality, is an outgrowth of a group of parishioners who were active in the Renew Program when it was conducted at St. John's back in 1986. It has continued since that time with a dedicated group of people who are committed to welcoming parishioners and visitors gathering to celebrate Mass. The purpose of this ministry is to greet people and make them feel comfortable and welcome in our faith community. The only necessary requirement for this ministry is a willingness to greet people with a smile and wish them a "good" morning or afternoon. Parishioners can participate in this ministry as individuals or as part of a couple or family.
Tuesday - Thursday
8:30am - 1:30pm
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