Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary


This is a worldwide organization of Catholic men and women whose objectives are:


  • The glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active cooperation in Mary's and the Church's work of advancing the reign of Christ in the world.
  • To be at the disposal of the Ordinary (Bishop) or their parish priest for any form of social service of Catholic action useful for the welfare of the Church; e.g. a parish census or spiritual and corporal works of mercy


A local parish group is called a Praesidium, which has a spiritual moderator, usually a priest or a deacon.  There are officers in each Praesidium: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  All officers, when elected, must be ratified by the Comitium (the diocesan organization that oversees all the Praesidia).


The duties of the members of a Praesidium are the following:


  1. Each member must be punctual and regularly attend the weekly meeting of the Praesidium and give an adequate and audible report of his/her apostolic work done.
  2. The members must recite the Catena (the prayer of the Legion) daily.
  3. A substantial and active legionary work performed in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary in such a fashion that in those worked for and in one's fellow members, the person of our Lord is once again seen and served by Mary, His mother.
  4. An absolute respect of the confidential nature of any matters discussed at meetings or learned in connection with the legionary work.
  5. Auxiliary members are people who do not attend any meetings, but say the Rosary and prayers at home.


St. John the Baptist Parish's Legion has active members and auxiliary members who daily pray the Rosary and the Legion prayer.  There is currently a spiritual moderator in our Praesidium. We welcome new members.


Please call Alvina Cometto at (716) 542-2362 for more information regarding the Legion of Mary.

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