Funeral Planning

Funeral Planning

Dear Friend,
As your brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, we offer you our prayers and sympathy
on the loss of your loved one.
At this time of sorrow, the gift of faith not only consoles but also brings hope.
The Funeral Mass is that life giving opportunity to pray for those who have died and
to renew our faith in the life and Resurrection that Jesus Christ came to bring us.
We provide this booklet to inform you of the possible options you have in planning
your loved one’s Funeral Mass. At this time of grief, we understand that you, your
family and friends may not be able to participate in these various opportunities.
So if you wish, you may leave the planning to the Priest and Director of Music.
May the celebration of the Holy Eucharist for your loved one fill you
with the peace of Our Risen Savior.
Yours in Christ,

St. John the Baptist Parish

Funeral Planning

Funeral Masses and Memorials are held Monday through Saturday at 10:00 am and tend to last approximately one hour.

Please have your funeral home contact the Parish Office to schedule a Funeral or Memorial Mass (716) 937-6959 ext. 101. We will then contact you to arrange for you to meet with one of our bereavement planners.

Click below for our Funeral Planning guide with reading and music selections for a Funeral Mass if you wish to review them prior to the meeting.

Funeral Planning Guides Music Suggestions Suggested Readings


Pre-planning a Funeral or Cemetery

It can be uncomfortable planning your own burial arrangements. However, it's extremely difficult to plan burial arrangements for someone you love, especially at the time of their death. By planning ahead, your family can focus on what is most important — comforting one another, praying, remembering and beginning the healing process.

Life's most important moments are usually planned well in advance. You spend hours planning your wedding, educating your children and planning for retirement. It's also important you give critical thought to your burial arrangements. By making these decisions now, you ease the burden on your loved ones during what will be an emotional and stressful time.

There are also practical reasons to pre-plan. By planning today, your family will not only avoid over-spending during an emotional time, but also price increases caused by inflation and other real-world factors.
There are only two ways to make family burial arrangements.  Burial arrangements involve major financial and personal decisions. There are two ways to handle the responsibility. Alone, at time of need. Cemetery records reveal that over 70% of all family burial arrangements are made by women survivors at time of death. Together, well in advance of need. This is when decisions can be made calmly and without the pressure of immediate loss.

Pre-planning burial arrangements results in:


1. Wise decisions, made together.

2. Spouse is spared of acting alone at time of loss.

3. No emotional overspending.

4. Savings at today’s prices.

5. Insurance conserved for family.

6. You’ll never have to ask: “What would he or she have wanted?”

7. Fulfillment of your obligation to your family.

8. Peace of mind.

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