We can all be part of the solution--- together we can prevent child abuse. All clergy, consecrated men and women and employees, are required to take Safe Environment Training. In addition, all volunteers serving minors, working in food pantries or meal service, providing ministerial service in private homes or other facilities and/or administering service in an after school program must be trained.
In the Diocese of Buffalo all volunteers must complete a safe environment training foundation class. The current foundation training program is “Protecting God’s Children for Adults.” “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” is a 3 hour program which provides steps that each one of us can take to prevent child sexual abuse. As a component of the training, all volunteers are required to complete a Volunteer Application and Code of Ethics.
After taking the Safe Environment foundation course, a renewal training through monthly online training.
Please visit virtus.org to learn more about the Diocese of Buffalo Safe Environment Training, to register for a training class or to complete online training.
The Diocese of Buffalo encourages anyone who has been a victim of sexual, physical or emotional abuse by any clergy, consecrated life, employee or volunteer of the Roman Catholic Church to contact the police.
Please continue to pray for the end of all abuse and a greater respect of the dignity of the human person.
Tuesday - Thursday
8:30am - 1:30pm
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