Parish Council

Parish Council


The St. John’s Parish Council consists of pastoral staff leaders, representatives from parish and school organizations, and selected parishioners (representing the entire parish community). It acts in an advisory capacity to the Pastor, thereby supporting him in his leadership of the parish. As such, it is a consultative body, convened by the Pastor, whose purpose is to articulate parish vision, communicate its mission, set goals and recommend a plan for the parish. In doing so, the Council serves as a forum for open dialogue on important questions and issues, working toward prayerful discernment of parish priorities and consensus building in its recommendations.


The Parish Council and Finance Council (which is responsible for providing sound fiscal advice) have complementary roles in assisting the Pastor in planning for parish vitality and serving the good of the whole parish as it seeks to fulfill the mission and ministry of Christ entrusted to its care.


St. John's Parish Council meets in the school faculty room every 3rd Thursday of the month and are open to all.


For more information or if you are interested in seeking a position on the council, please contact our President at (716) 937-6959.


St. John's Parish Council Members:


 President: Heather Taylor


Vice President: Matthew Malecki


Secretary: Denise Iannello


Elected Members: Pam Turton, Cheryl Bennett, Camille Czyjka, Lindsay Newman, Tracy Vinz


Other members:


Scott Dobe


Everett Boone


Michael Stegmeier


Charles Sutter


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