First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation

Jesus and child

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a Sacrament of Healing, where we experience the gift of God's boundless mercy. In this Sacrament, we have the opportunity to rediscover the grace of friendship with God and others. We are also reminded to forgive others as God forgives us.

Sacraments are an expression of our Catholic beliefs and a gift from our heavenly Father.  We are excited to work with families in helping them prepare their children to receive the Sacraments.

First Reconciliation typically takes place in second grade (when the child reaches the age of reason).  A Parent Meeting is held in November so parents can help prepare their children for this sacrament and to reinforce what was learned in our religion classes.  Students and their families come together for the Inscription Service in January asking for this Sacrament for their children. All students enrolled in the Reconciliation program are asked to attend the Reconciliation Retreat held in February. All students will be interviewed to make certain of their readiness for the reception of this Sacrament which is celebrated in March of second grade.

Each class, 3rd through 11th grade, are scheduled to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation once during the school year.  We ask parents to continue to teach their children about Reconciliation by forgiving and accepting forgiveness at home and taking their family to confession at least one other time throughout the year.  Please see St. John's confession schedule on the home page or Reconciliation tab under Sacraments, under the home page.

If your child is in 3rd grade or above and has not received the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please contact the Religious Education Office at 716-937-3448.

May God have mercy on us all.


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