Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts

Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts



Boy Scout Troop 117 started in 1938 and didn't receive its first charter until 1939.  Twenty-eight boys were in the first troop.  The pastor at the time was Fr. Frank Hagemaier, and the first Scoutmaster was Mr. Frank Wlodarczyk.  In the history of Troop 117, 25 Scout Masters have served the troop, and a total of 55 boys have achieved the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout.  Presently, the boys meet each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in St. John's School Cafeteria.  The troop has been very active in the community: helping with cemetery clean-ups, nature trail repairs, roadside clean-ups, the food pantry and food drives.  They have a pancake breakfast and sell hot dogs to raise money of the needs of the troop: an equipment trailer, tents and stoves, and to help the boys pay for summer camp.  Please call Robert Rimbeck at (716) 937-7629 for more information regarding Boy Scout Troop 117.




The Cub Scouts, through the Boy Scouts of America, is a great way to introduce or further your child's development in many different areas including social skills, responsibility, respect, accountability and many more.  Being a Cub Scout means your child is a member of a worldwide youth movement that stands for certain values and beliefs.  Cub Scouting is more than something to do.  It's all about the boy they are and the person they will become.  Oh, and lot and lots of fun!!!!  The Cub Scouts are boys in grades 1-5 and meet at St. John's School.  Their Den meeting is held monthly on Thursday in the cafeteria from 6-8 p.m.  The pack meeting is held once a month on Tuesday in the school gym.  New scouts are always welcome, please call Patrick Bartram for more information at (716) 984-4684.




Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.  Founder Juliette Gordon Low organized the first Girl Scout Troop on March 12, 1912 in Savannah, Georgia.  Girl Scouts of the USA was chartered by the US Congress on March 16, 1950.  Today, there are 3.3 million Girl Scouts - 2.4 million girl members and 928,000 adult members working primarily as volunteers.  More than 50 million American women enjoyed Girl Scouting during their childhood - and that number continues to inspire, challenge, and empower girls everywhere. Please reach out to Mary Lou May at (716) 937-7844 for more information about joining the Girl Scouts.




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